Terms & Conditions.

Make sure to read these terms and conditions carefully before completing and returning the booking form. Once a completed booking form has been accepted by Causeway Adventures Limited all the persons named on the booking form will have entered a binding contract on the basis of these terms and conditions.


Agreement on the basis of these terms and conditions arises upon the fulfilment of the following:

a) Receipt by Causeway Adventures Limited of a properly completed booking form accompanied by the payment or deposit specified.

b) Acceptance by Causeway Adventures Limited by email.

c) The agreement is between Causeway Adventures Limitedand the client and is the sole agreement between those parties. No variation of these terms and conditions shall be applicable unless agreed in writing before the event.

d) The person signing the booking form shall be deemed to sign that form for him/herself and as agent for all other persons listed on that form.


a) If a deposit is paid, the balance of the fee must be paid in full at least two weeks prior to the event, unless an agreement is reached between the client and Causeway Adventures Limited. If not so paid, Causeway Adventures Limited reserves the right to treat the agreement as cancelled by the client.

b) Gift Vouchers are non-refundable and must be used within 12 months of the purchase date.


If the booking is cancelled by the client (for any reason) the following cancellation charge will arise:

a) Cancellation more than 48 hours before the trip starts the deposit is forfeited (if a deposit was paid).

b) Cancellation less than 48 hours before the trip 100% of the fee is payable and no refund is issued.

Exception to the above: If there is a waiting list for the trip you are booked on, and your space can be filled, by a person on this waiting list, then your payment will be refunded in full.

CANCELLATION BY Causeway Adventures Limited

Causeway Adventures Limited will cancel a trip if the prevailing weather conditions (i.e. very strong winds) are deemed too hazardous for canoeing. In these circumstances all payment will be refunded in full.

A trip can only go ahead if there are a sufficient number of participants booked. If there are not enough participants booked on the trip then Causeway Adventures Limited reserves the right to cancel the trip, in which case participants will be offered an alternative date or a full refund of monies paid.

CONDUCT OF PARTICIPANTS With Causeway Adventures Limited

For their own safety, all participants agree to follow and adhere to all reasonable instructions and leadership of the activity. Parents agree to be responsible for the behaviour of their children.


Whilst every attempt is made by Causeway Adventures Limited to minimise danger, and to instruct participants in how to carry out the activity safely, sessions still carry a certain level of risk. Also, the environment in which these events take place is not free from hazard (i.e. slippery river banks).

Consequently, the client acknowledges that there are situations in which an accident could occur without Causeway Adventures Limited being at fault and accepts that he/she is taking part at his/her own risk.

The client accepts that loss or damage to possessions is not the responsibility of Causeway Adventures Limited.